Our first Wainwright of the day.... Helm Crag

Looking across Easedale

Couldn't have organised themselves better for this Herdy photo

Looking back down the crag to Grasmere

No climbing the Howitzer today, far too windy, had a job standing up straight to take the photos!

Easedale Tarn

Our next wainwright.... Gibson Knot

Steel Fell from Helm Crag

Looking back to Helm Crag as we ascend Gibson Knot

Sharon struggles to stay upright on Gibson Knot

She hasn't blown off.... the view back minus Sharon

Starting to look a little gloomier as we head off to Calf Crag

Looking across to Tarn Crag

Our route back down the valley of Easedale

Sharon and Holly having to sit down on Calf Crag so strong was the wind!!

looking down onto Brownrigg Moss

one of the many beautiful waterfalls as we descended into Easedale

Almost back at Grasmere and a well deserved meal, our starter Helm Crag back behind Sharon, and the end of a great long weekend..... and we still have'nt had a wet walk in 2013 yet!!!

I was there last week and did pretty much exactly the same route! Lovely walking!